Mori Girl, this word originates from "Apparel Group", the largest exchange site in Japan. A more than 20-year-old girl is regarded as a girl growing up in forest by her friends because of her dressing style. So she sets up a community named "Mori Girl" and the community unexpectedly get lots of recognition and support by others.
In Japanese, "Mori"[1] refers to "forest", which literally means "Mori girls" are those who seem to live in forest. This group of girls like ethnic jewelry, not blindly to pursue famous brands and their life attitudes are also free. They are widely accepted with their natural , unforced lifestyls.
"Henry went forth to battle when he took to the woods, and Walden is the report of a man torn by two powerful and opposing drives—the desire to enjoy the world and the urge to set the world straight."[2]
That is the famous quote in Walden. Thoreau, the disciple of Ralph Waldo Emerson , undoubtedly expresses the essence for "Mori girl".