What should I Wear During Pregnancy
May 09, 2017
Maxi dresses are the best choice. I do not think we must wear clothes designed for pregnant women. Cause the clothes would use once during pregnancy, after postpartum, you maybe not wear it.
And I get you some tips on how to use them, How to reuse the plus size clothing postpartum?
But for the maxi dresses, you can continue to wear these beautiful dresses postpartum.
You can choose according to my following suggestions:
- The most important are comfortable and breathable. Pregnant women avoid wearing thin, tight, small clothes that may cause great harm to the fetus. Not too TIGHT and not too LOOSE. Too loose clothes are difficult to see your shape if you want to fully show your silhouette. But baggy dresses is best for you during pregnancy.
- Style should be used to wear on the body to be able to beautifully reflect the chest lines so that the uplift of the abdomen is not very prominent style. Such as small under the "A" font, or above plus some folds styles, hem wide styles, can be a good display of three-dimensional.
- Colorful clothes to wear it is exciting is conducive to the mother and the fetus's physical and mental health.
- Fabric should use cotton or silk fabric, underwear must use cotton knitwear, to prevent skin allergies or lack of milk secretion.
Early pregnancy (or when the stomach looks not too big) can choose the same as the figure on the waist and abdomen with flouncing hem slim design package hip dress, you can cover the belly.
Show your body of the most thin place and hide the fat.
Blouse + dress
Long-sleeved denim coat + dress
Coat + dress
Post by Kelly
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